Monday, January 20, 2014

God Working In The Background

Post-it Note of Power -- Everything will be OK...

As things move and change, making most of us uncomfortable, and uncertain of what may happen next--hear me when I tell you that, "Everything will be OK... God is working things out."

As I write this installment, I think about Paul, the Apostle who sets an excellent example that reminds us to encourage ourselves--if need be. That's exactly his strategy and action while he was locked away in prison. He knew that everything would be OK.  God was working things out. So he was able to keep focused on Jesus (the task at hand) and what he had been taught about making the necessary sacrifice. He kept the work of God on his lips at all times, and in his heart he nurtured it.  

He never allowed his faith to whither--not for one moment. You too have to keep the pressure on the enemy. Remember, he was assigned with the mission to destroy your faith!

I keep all kinds of words of encouragement around me: in my office, and on my electronic devices, to remind me and not to forget that  everything will be OK! God is working things out. I am conscience of where I spend the most of my time during the week in this way I can surround myself by encouraging reminders.

Recently, and one of my most valuable reminders to date is a yellow post-it note, stuck to my monitor.  It says  "everything will be OK... God is working things out."  I see this daily first thing in the morning.  It's my ticket to face the impossible and to confront every challenge with victory on my mind. It reminds me that even though everything is changing, moving, decisions being made, etc. All will work out -- God has not forgotten me.

Especially one of those days when the enemy gets a good shot in, catches you in a weak spot... I only lift up my head and see my little post-it note reminding me and encouraging me that "Everything will be OK... God is working things out."  

Every word that God has spoken in his word comes to my rescue. I am refreshed and after glancing over to read it over and over a few times, I'm back, good as new. Amen!  Who would think that a little yellow post-it note would do so much for a man with a mission and a global vision?

This little piece of paper has gained so much value with me.  There is nothing fancy about it, no highlight markings, no fancy print. It's just written in my handwriting, with a pen. It confirms what is written. Because, when you put it into words it has to become real to you.

The God we serve is a thorough planner. Yes, He has knowledge of our tomorrows that we have no idea about so he is equipped to create a master plan that will allow us to gain the victory over all or our situations.  Just keep our faith and trust on him.  One of the best pieces of news I can share with you is this... "We are all included in His master plan and His plans never fail."  So relax, everything will be OK God is working things out.

We can place out trust our burdens on the threshold of the Lord and he will include them in his planning and rezoning.  He will have them all worked out  all the way through to the last detail. He will award you miracles and deliver to your door by the worst of enemies.  He just asks us to lean not to our own understanding, acknowledge, trust in him and his abilities.

If you need some added encouragement some uplifting good news on a daily basis; post you a reminder that speaks volumes of God's truths. Find a way to get your faith shaken up at a glance!... Truly you will be OK, because God is working things out for you and me.

READ ALSO -- "According to His Will"  ( a commentary to this installment) 


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